Room 210 Week in Review, Upcoming Events & News
Monday Morning Meeting | Class Roster | Volunteers | Volunteer Training
Ms. Yokoyama's Website | Curriculum Night | PTSA | Wish List | Email 

Dear Room 210 Families:

This is a bursting-at-the-seams email -- so, I'll skip the fluffy stuff and rattle out some info for you!

Monday Morning Meeting
Each Monday starts off with QAE's "Monday Morning Meeting".  Mr. Elliott announces important school news, birthdays for the week, and sometimes small presentations from other classes.  If you drop off at school on Mondays - consider sticking around for the meeting!

Class Roster (& Birthdays)
Thank you for submitting your information and getting back to me so quickly.  There are a few corrections and I will send out a "final" draft of the roster on Monday.  If you haven't had a chance to review your info, please do so over by Monday morning-ish.  Please let me know if you do not want your information (or want to limit your information) to be submitted to the PTSA.  The PTSA will use your contact info primarily to update you regarding school events and PTSA sponsored school events.  I was able to get a list of birthdays from Ms. Yokoyama -- so I can add the rest of those in.

Most emails will be sent with the distribution list hidden (BCC, blind copied).  This 1) makes it easier to read emails on mobile devices (no long scrolling) and 2) prevents accidental "reply all" responses. I would kindly ask that if you are sending an email to this list, use the BCC option. 

Any person who interacts with children at QAE must complete a background check form.  Return the form to Carla Kirsch. She will need to verify your drivers license info. (I can also take your background check form and verify your drivers license.) The form is available on the bookcase next to the copy/supply room or you can print it here. Please note the form is two pages.  :)

I will be reaching out to people who expressed an interested in volunteering this week and will add more information about volunteer opportunities on Ms. Yokoyama's site soon.  Volunteering opportunities will begin in early October.

Volunteer Training
New this year to QAE, any person volunteering in the classroom will need to complete a volunteer training class. The volunteer training will outline general information about our school, introduce you to office staff, provide strategies to support your teacher and students in class and include an overview of Positive Discipline. A throughout outline of all-things volunteering is posted on the QAE website.  Trainings should start this week and will be offered weekly, at different time over the next two months.

Ms. Yokoyama's Website (and Blog!)
Ms. Yokoyama posts to her blog weekly and shares wonderful information from the classroom.  She also adds LOTS of pictures!  (Which you can view in a slide show format too.) Please sign up (via feedburner on the main page) to get notifications of new posts and photos.  Her site is a wonderful resource for finding out about what is happening in the classroom.  She also has the daily schedule posted and other helpful information. (password is: explorers)

Curriculum Night scheduled for Thursday, 27 September. Teachers will be presenting twice: 6:30 - 7:10 and 7:20 - 8:30.  You will be able to see your child's work, learn about the different curriculum taught in the classroom and how you can support your student at home.  Bring your calendar too: Teacher Conference sign up times will be available. This is a parent-only event. (FYI: Bring some cash or change: the 5th graders usually sneak in a bake sale to fundraise for Islandwood camp!)

Please consider joining the PTSA.  The primary role of our PTSA is to advocate for all children at Queen Anne Elementary and across our state. A major part of that advocacy includes working hard to support the staff, helping to build a strong school community, and raising funds toward meeting those goals. Your membership will help you stay informed, give you a voice in your child’s education, and connect your family to the QAE community and the larger state and national PTA.  $15 for an individual membership and $25 for family membership. More information here.

Wish List & Amazon
Ms. Yokoyama has a Wish List on If you’d like to purchase something for the classroom, check there!  QAE has an affiliate program with, which means, when you buy something at, you can give to QAE.  Just start your purchase at the QAE website.

It has been great to meet more families over the last week and put names to faces!  

I hope the rest of your weekend is lovely!  See you Monday.


Classroom Coordinator 
Mom to Harper (and Hudson in Mrs. Minas' class)

p.s. All grades typically have a potluck, or family gathering, in early October.  Info on our event will be coming soon!