Room 210
Volunteering | Lost & Found | No School Monday, Veteran's Day

I just added volunteer dates for the remaining days of 2012. I sent an email (via to communicate this update as well.

QAE uses to manage volunteer sign ups. To see volunteer opportunties, you have to receive an email invite. Once you have been invited, you can then either see the volunteer opportunities by 1) digging up the email invite or 2) by creating an account at and having been sent an email invite. This is the intended design by and how they manage security and privacy.  

Currently, parents who have submitted background checks and completed volunteer training are all added on and should be able to access volunteer opportunities through emails or by creating a account (again, that is associated with the same email).

If you have any questions about this or are having trouble accessing room 210 volunteer opportunities, please feel free to contact me for assistance or to get signed up. 
Lost & Found

Missing a sweater, jacket, or lunch box? QAE has two official lost and found spots: one in "The Brick" across from the main office and one in the Treehouse.  

This Lost and Found rack is in the Treehouse, next to Ms. Yokoyama's Cubby Hallway (and pictured below).  So, if you are missing an item or two, check here!  Please consider writing your child's name on their coats, jackets, sweaters. A clothing article with your child's name is more likely to find it's way back to your child's cubby. 

Reminder: No school on Monday, Nov. 12th.  Veteran's Day Observed.

Have a great weekend!


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